
I figured since all my recent post have been scenic shots and there hasnt been a single
shot of humans around here, this would be a great way to tell you about the some of the 
people I've met here on campus. There's Flor & Maeva, the french girls; one of whom is 
a super masterchef and always invites us over for dinner at her flat. Then there's Stefan 
and Jelmer who are from Netherlands. Standing next to them always make me feel like 
a dwarf.

Today Flor invited us over for some Tartiflette - a French dish made from Rebochlon
cheese (which she said couldn't be found in the UK and had her brother bring some over
from Paris this weekend), bacon, 1cm thick potato slices, shallots and french creme. 
It is absolutely fattening and absolutely worth all the calories in the world. i just might 
try to make it someday. in the mean time,  i'll just let you enjoy the pictures. :)


Maxine drew this for me. well, this version of me definitely looks prettier but I'd 
happily accept it. my eyes are actually quite sepet IRL. hhahahh. The line comes 
from my asking her every week about her quiet time. I'm gonna miss our Saturdays 
of bible study and our funny/marah/weird conversations.

This is just a testament of how good God is in bringing our relationship closer 
and how sometimes, pressing on through some difficulty can produce something 
great. Thank you Maxine! 

the next day

Check out their disgruntled faces at the top of Sky Park, Marina Bay Sands.
Warning: it's not worth the 20 dollars to go up there, half the area is closed for
hotel guest only and the view isn't all that spectacular - because there's tonnnees
of construction still going on. nothing like construction to spoil extremely nice things

Xiao'an took us to Relish - quaint, quiet and cute. and i love any place with brick walls.
ah. brick walls. Nicholas tried the bleu cheese and poached pears burger and he
absolutely loved it. I thought the portioning was slightly small tho. Everyone on this trip
seemed to think that i ate a lot. If you think i eat alot, well, you haven't met my sister.
or my church friends. they are monstrous.  MONSTROUS.

And finally! a trip to Chris Lee's Chocolate Research Facility. A few months ago, i
attended the Design Forum in KL where Chris Lee's gave a presentation. He is one
funny guy. and a great designer as well. So what a trip to Singapore without trying
some of his 100 flavours of chocolate? i bought Tom Yam, Parmesan Cheese, Apple Pie,
Maple Syrup & Longan with Pumpkin Seeds. the tom yam was.... BAD. SERIOUSLY.