
SONY DSC IMG_7182 _MG_8022 Photo on 2012-08-11 at 13.34 #2 Photo on 2001-06-16 at 19.48 Photo on 2001-06-16 at 19.49 #2 4-up on 2012-01-23 at 02.10 #5IMG_0488 _MG_0033-3 IMG_9915 IMG_9926 IMG_9849 IMG_9928 IMG_9921 IMG_9887  SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSCIMG_0550 IMG_0503 IMG_0512

_MG_9533 _MG_9538 _MG_9549 _MG_9568 _MG_9575 Suddenly overwhelmed by this longing to go back in time. this is me being all emotional. in order : caryn's bday at Jamies + westlife concert / kaa kaa!/ hilary's birthday /dressing up & being girls before the lavender fielday/silly faces with kimi in greece / right after my 24th birthday /the day the olympic torch came to hatfield / christmas getaway /outside rainbow/ donna erika! / shaunlyewoozychinchin/ them showing support at the final exhibition / being zambian at the worldcup ele house : chipolo polo eyeeehhh / weilin's bday + pinata! /bbq summer nights /guys learning bsb moves / backyard filming / couch out of the house / summer lovin defintely

two weeks too short

two weeks just flew by like that. its the end of spring break and i dread diving back into my sea of work. nevertheless, the best, most fulfilling and happiest spring break ever just because we saw a friend of ours whom we have been praying long and hard for, finally making a decision (all on her own) to give her life to Jesus. whhoooooooooo. plus, she also went ahead and took the next big step by getting baptized on easter sunday. talk about God being amazing. i would give up almost all the travelling in the world that i've done and many many other adventures just to see this happen over and over again in people's lives. now that you've tasted what is good, how can you ever go back to what was before. truly this is God being so real.