favourite wedding photographers

{ clockwise from top left }
* Jonathan Ong Photography * Boutwell Studio * Jenny Sun Photography * Jose Villa 
* Max Wanger * This Image is Found * Axioo Photography * Kiss the Groom
* Our Labour of Love

a list of my favourite wedding photographers. can't tell you how much time i spend
trolling them sites. two favourites subjects together. photography and weddings. it
would be a dream to have or photographer (or both i guess) even half of what these
weddings are. amah-zing. i think, even though im halfway through my IDS degree, deep
down, i have this hankering for wedding photography and wedding planning. all those
lovely things in one job. the expressions. the deco. invitations. lighting. colours.
textures. videography. the ideas. the clothes. the food. perhaps one day. in the mean
time, does anyone have any weddings to shoot? :D