A few months ago, I stumbled on a DIY blog & learn this simple tutorial on
making flowered headbands. Got my hands down to it and made some. well
actually two. Which led to Christina {who had all the time in the world being
on a 6 month holiday} making 18 pieces of those gorgeous frawers for our
dance team. Preddy aren't they??? Well actually she made another 18 more
in a pink fabric with black lace. and to think they only cost at the most a
mere RM5 when my colleague told me they were selling it at Topshop &
Forever 21 for RM40 a piece! Crazy i tell you! KERAZY.
Took these photos right before our Cameron Convention where we debuted
Christina's handiwork. Preddy dancers with preddy flowers on their heads.
Me is a happy camper. Another DIY project success! yays!
ps: I already have in mind to make more of these {in the future} and
string them on rows and rows of fairy lights for my wedding. HAHAH.
please remind me of this idea when i get there.