i almost didn't quite catch it. throughout the week, which i would say are the beginning of the extremely busy days, there has been constant pangs of unrest, that i just couldn't put my finger on. automatically you would attribute it to assignment stress, the lack of sleep or just the looming cloud of having to think about future plans. don't quite know how it ping-ed in my head, but it did. i am missing the time spent with God.
Just like how a person in love misses the time being with his/her other half and wants to spend every waking moment (and dreaming ones) with them, i miss the hours spent like before. on the piano. singing. quiet moments where the verses ring so loud and clear. miss those TOD worship sessions. its just time spent in a person's presence. only that person isnt just any other person, but God.
Songs of Solomon 8:6 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame.
this verse caught my eye during one of those fb scroll through. there are many aspects to our relationship with God. that of a Saviour, who died for us, that of a Master, whom we surrender everything to, that of a Commander, and we are His soldiers, disciplined and ready for war, that of a Teacher whom we learn and grow from and that of a Lover, as we are the Bride of Christ. (and also many more) i think i've almost forgotten that last aspect for a quite a while now. till Doreen mentioned about God being a jealous God. till i heard the lyrics to an old song. till i realized again, how much i miss Him. you know how, despite how busy you are, if that person you love calls/text/request to spend time together, you would drop everything else yeah. hahhah im sure u know what im talking about. its the same with Him. the verse says a seal upon the heart. it's a binding love. vehement flame. intense love. love as strong as death. something you'll have forever. not something you could give up easily for other things in life. so God, take me deeper in love with You again.