it's March already?

this week entail[ed]s a flurry of activities which hasn’t stop just yet

1. class trip to Hemel Hempstead - visiting the world's first paper mill factory. 
    Can I has some letterpress stationary?
2. dropped a bomb in Topshop on the way home. my love for demure dresses 
     and leather shorts are kicking in.
3. three birthday celebrations at Bella Italia. all at one go.
4. submitted Design Factory's project. whee woo.
5. Pancake Day! discovered something new - bananas baked with chocolate chunks.
6. Peer assessment with BHC S. Africa students assignment turned into an afternoon 
    of chug (pug+chihuahua, trust me v. cute!)hunting when Tisha mentioned she 
     wanted to get a dog.
7. Second round of submission tonight! perhaps second round of birthday celebrations?
8. Bristol for the weekend!