We ran away to Cameron Highlands for a bit. it was a much needed getaway. for me anyways. I re-met Him there in a new way. it was wonderful. This convention was way different from the rest before. Entire afternoons free for jalan jalans in MARDI, football matches, lotsa cheering and naps. man it's been a long time since i had a nap in the afternooon. which left much energy and non-sleepyness for our night sessions. ;D the last session of marathon songs and dance was a killer. ouhs. and the weather - breezy nights. shivering mornings. cool afternoons. drizzles on and off. oh yay.
steamboats on cold nights\\watching kungfu panda with Bobo's voicing over the script\\Ashley constant cutesy antics\\poco-poco line dancing\\that famous strawbree strudel shop\\strawbree naans too!
Yin Yin is Ashley's mummy. Very cool mum. :) Does Ashley look like her?